

MANBECH (SIRIA), 03/02/2025.- Al menos 14 mujeres y un hombre murieron este lunes y otras 15 mujeres resultaron heridas, varias de ellas graves, por la explosión de un coche bomba en las inmediaciones de la ciudad de Manbech, en el norte de Siria, informó el grupo de rescatistas cascos blancos. EFE/ Defensa Civil De Siria SOLO USO EDITORIAL/SOLO DISPONIBLE PARA ILUSTRAR LA NOTICIA QUE ACOMPAÑA (CRÉDITO OBLIGATORIO)

Explosión de carro bomba en Siria deja al menos 15 muertes

El estallido dejó 14 mujeres y un hombre fallecidos, además de otras 15 mujeres heridas.

ONU: pruebas de crímenes en Siria fueron destruidas a propósito

La comisión de las Naciones Unidas para Siria afirmó que el régimen sirio destruyó evidencias de crímenes.

Rusia e Irán firman un pacto de refuerzo militares

Ambos gobiernos establecieron un nuevo acuerdo de “asociación estratégica” calificado como un “contrapeso a las medidas de occidente”.

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Idlib (Syrian Arab Republic), 22/12/2024.- Armed rebel fighters keep watch as people take part in a 'Liberation Festival' to celebrate the ouster of Syrian president Bashar Al-Assad, in Idlib, northwestern Syria, 22 December 2024. Idlib has been a stronghold for Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), the rebel group that along with other Syrian opposition groups toppled the Assad regime on 08 December 2024. (Siria) EFE/EPA/BILAL AL HAMMOUD
-FOTODELDÍA- HAMA (REPÚBLICA ÁRABE SIRIA), 12/06/2024.- Un combatiente de la oposición se toma un selfie frente a un edificio del gobierno sirio después de ingresar a la ciudad de Hama, Siria este viernes. Las fuerzas de la oposición siria, lideradas por el grupo militante islamista Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), lanzaron una ofensiva el 27 de noviembre, lo que provocó contraataques de las fuerzas del régimen sirio, así como ataques aéreos rusos y sirios en áreas controladas por la oposición. Según el líder de Hay'at Tahrir Al-Sham, Abu Mohammad Al-Jolani, no habrá "venganza" después de que los grupos de la oposición ingresaran a la estratégicamente importante ciudad siria de Hama el 5 de diciembre. EFE/EPA/BILAL AL HAMMOUD
Majdal Shams (Israel), 09/12/2024.- Supporters of the Syrian opposition wave its flag as they celebrate the rebel takeover of Damascus, in the village of Majdal Shams, in the Israeli-annexed Golan Heights, 09 December 2024. Syrian rebels entered Damascus on 08 December 2024 and announced in a televised statement the 'Liberation of the city of Damascus and the overthrow of Bashar al-Assad', as well as the release of all the prisoners. (Siria, Damasco) EFE/EPA/ABIR SULTAN
Paris (France), 08/12/2024.- Supporters of the Syrian opposition celebrate the rebel takeover of Damascus, in Place de la Republique, Paris, France, 08 December 2024. Syrian rebels entered Damascus on 08 December 2024 and announced in a televised statement the 'Liberation of the city of Damascus and the overthrow of Bashar al-Assad,' as well as the release of all the prisoners. The rebels also urged the Syrian armed forces to leave Syrian public institutions, which will stay under the control of the outgoing Syrian prime minister until the official handover ceremony. (Francia, Siria, Damasco) EFE/EPA/Mohammed Badra
Idlib (Syrian Arab Republic), 01/12/2024.- People inspect the damage after an airstrike in Idlib, northern Syria, 01 December 2024. According to the White Helmets, the Syrian civil group in northwestern Syria, at least four people were killed and 54 others injured in airstrikes carried out on residential neighborhoods in Idlib city. Syrian opposition forces led by the Islamist militant group Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) launched a large offensive on 27 November, taking large parts of Aleppo, the country's second-biggest city, triggering counterattacks by Syrian regime forces on opposition-controlled areas as well as Russian and Syrian airstrikes.  (Rusia, Siria) EFE/EPA/BILAL AL HAMMOUD
Aleppo (Syrian Arab Republic), 02/12/2024.- Armed men take selfies at the Nayrab military airport, in Aleppo, Syria, 02 December 2024. Syrian opposition forces, led by the Islamist militant group Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) launched an offensive on 27 November, taking large parts of Aleppo, Syria's second-largest city. The offensive triggered counterattacks by the Syrian regime forces as well as Russian and Syrian airstrikes on opposition-controlled areas. More than 400 people, including civilians and militants have been killed since 27 November, SOHR stated, while the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) stated that over 20,000 people have been internally displaced within Aleppo and to other governorates. (Rusia, Siria) EFE/EPA/BILAL AL HAMMOUD
Ataque en Alepo (Siria). Foto: Agencia EFE
Opositores sirios se enfrentan a las tropas del régimen de Bashar Al Asad en la ciudad vieja de Alepo. Foto: Efe.
Berlin (Germany), 25/10/2024.- Protesters hold a Palestine flag and a banner that reads 'Stop Israel's bloody genocide!!! Ceasefire now', during a rally in Berlin, Germany, 25 October 2024. The rally took place under the motto 'Stop the genocide in Gaza and Lebanon!'. (Protestas, Alemania, Líbano) EFE/EPA/CLEMENS BILAN

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