

Oriente Medio prohíbe “costumbres violentas” para fin de año

Distintas naciones de la región buscan evitar muertes, incidentes y problemas de orden público durante el recibimiento del 2025.

Trump critica a Turquía y anuncia charlas con Rusia y Ucrania

El presidente electo de Estados Unidos también aseguró que deberán dejar de comprar petróleo a Venezuela porque es una “locura”.

Erdogan: por culpa de Israel, en Gaza mueren los niños, la ONU y los valores occidentales

El presidente turco pidió que, al igual que con Adolf Hitler, Naciones Unidas cree una alianza para detener al primer ministro israelí, Benjamin Netanyahu.

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Istanbul (Turkey), 24/03/2024.- Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan delivers a speech during the AK Party's election campaign rally in Istanbul, Turkey, 24 March 2024. The local elections in Turkey are scheduled for 31 March 2024. (Elecciones, Turquía, Estanbul) EFE/EPA/ERDEM SAHIN
Istanbul (Turkey), 04/04/2023.- A view of an old neighborhood with the backdrop of a newly built apartment development in Kayasehir, in Basaksehir district, Istanbul, Turkey, 01 April 2023.(Issued 05 february 2024) On 06 February, Turkey will mark one year since the 7.8 earthquake which killed more than 50 thousands people when it hit Eastern Turkey and neighboring Syria. This latest quake woke dormant fears of the inhabitants of Istanbul from the long predicted big one that would destroy everything and bring into question the safety of the buildings they live in. The megapole of about 1.2 million buildings and 6.5 million inhabitants partly lies on the Sea of Marmara fault line (the Main Marmara Fault Line), making some of its areas like Kadakoy which is densely populated and directly by the sea of Marmara at great risk in case of a movement in the Anatolian and Eurasian plates. The municipality of Istanbul warned in March 2023 that around 4-5 million Istanbulites will lose their homes as some 90,000 buildings in Istanbul will collapse after an eventual earthquake. The city dwellers still remember the 1999 one which hit some 100 km away and killed 20 thousand people including some in Istanbul'Äôs old buildings itself. Authorities had then already started taking a series of measures and policy changes, such as starting an urban renewal mobilization project and an earthquake taxe levied to finance it. Many new buildings developments started to grow as far away as possible from the fault line area in the districts of Esenyurt Basaksehir among others just outside the city center. (Terremoto/sismo, Siria, Turquía, Estanbul) EFE/EPA/SEDAT SUNA ATTENTION: This Image is part of a PHOTO SET
Ankara (Turkey), 01/10/2023.- Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan speaks at the opening of the new legislative year of the Parliament in Ankara, Turkey, 01 October 2023. Erdogan said terrorists attempting to damage peace and security of his country will fail, a few hours after two police officers were injured when two people carried out a bomb attack outside the ministry's gate, close to the Turkish parliament. (Terrorista, Turquía) EFE/EPA/NECATI SAVAS
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