
Corea del Sur

Inauguraron en Bolívar primer laboratorio especializado en soldadura para industria naval

Se busca mejorar las capacidades de Colombia para el diseño, construcción y mantenimiento de embarcaciones marítimas

¿Qué necesita un colombiano para viajar a Corea del Sur? No necesita Visa

De acuerdo con la Embajada de la República de Corea si usted está pensando en visitar este país, no necesitará visa para el periodo de tres meses.

Corea del Norte lanza un misil balístico frente a su costa este, según Corea del Sur

Este hecho se presenta luego de que Estados Unidos, Corea del Sur y Japón realizarán ejercicios militares.

Más noticias

Hwaseong (Korea, Republic Of), 24/06/2024.- Firefighters try to put out a fire at a primary lithium battery factory in Hwaseong, South Korea, 24 June 2024. The fire reportedly left a worker dead, three injured, and 21 others unaccounted for. (Corea del Sur) EFE/EPA/YONHAP SOUTH KOREA OUT
Pampanga (Philippines), 08/02/2024.- Mission directors (L) from the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) work inside a DC-8 aircraft used as part of the Airborne and Satellite Investigation of Asian Air Quality (ASIA-AQ) project at the Clark International Airport in Pampanga province, Philippines, 08 February 2024. The ASIA-AQ is a joint effort from teams and scientists of NASA, the Philippines Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), and local scientists from Malaysia, South Korea, Thailand, and Taiwan to improve understanding of factors controlling air quality across Asia through multiple observation methods. (Corea del Sur, Malasia, Filipinas, Tailandia) EFE/EPA/ROLEX DELA PENA
Busan (Korea, Republic Of), 02/01/2024.- Lee Jae-myung, leader of the main opposition Democratic Party, lies down after he was stabbed by an assailant on the left side of his neck during a visit to the construction site of an airport on Gadeok Island off the southeastern port city of Busan, South Korea, 02 January 2024. (Corea del Sur) EFE/EPA/YONHAP SOUTH KOREA OUTIMAGE PIXELLATED AT SOURCE
Seongnam (Korea, Republic Of), 04/08/2023.- People walk inside a department store where a stabbing rampage took place, in Seongnam, South Korea, 04 August 2023. A man in his 20s randomly stabbed and wounded 14 people at a department store adjacent to the Seohyeon subway station in Seongnam city on 03 August 2023. According to rescue authorities, two of the victims are in critical condition and could become brain dead. (Corea del Sur) EFE/EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN

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