

Jerusalem (-), 13/07/2024.- A woman takes part in a protest march along family members of Israeli hostages held by Hamas in Gaza and their supporters calling for the release of the hostages, as they walk on a road leading to Jerusalem, 13 July 2024. Some hostage families began a four-day march toward Jerusalem where they plan to stage a rally at the Israeli prime minister's office. According to the Israeli military, 116 Israelis, who were abducted and taken to the Gaza Strip during the 07 October 2023 attacks by Hamas, remain in captivity. Rallies in Israel have been critical of the government's handling of the crisis, demanding the immediate release of all hostages. (Protestas, Jerusalén) EFE/EPA/ABIR SULTAN

La mayor injusticia está en Gaza: Presidente Petro

El presidente Gustavo Petro condenó la violencia en Gaza y la violencia sufrida por civiles.

Arabia Saudita le pidió a sus ciudadanos abandonar el Líbano

Esta solicitud la hace el país árabe ante la posible “guerra total” entre Israel y Hezbolá.

Fabricantes que exportan armas a Israel podrían ser juzgados por crímenes internacionales

Naciones Unidas le pidió a los fabricantes de armas detener las transferencias a Israel.

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Al-Bureij (Gaza), 18/06/2024.- Un niño palestino observa los daños causados ​​por un ataque aéreo israelí contra el campo de refugiados de al-Bureij, en el sur de la Franja de Gaza, este martes.-EFE/ Mohammed Saber
New York (United States), 10/06/2024.- Ambassadors of the Security Council vote in favor of the draft resolution on a ceasefire in Gaza during a meeting at UN Headquarters in New York, New York, USA, 10 June 2024. The council ultimately passed a resolution by the United States that supports a plan presented by US President Joe Biden for a ceasefire in the Israel-Gaza conflict. (Estados Unidos, Nueva York) EFE/EPA/SARAH YENESEL
Sana'a (Yemen), 07/06/2024.- A Houthi supporter waves a Palestinian flag during a protest against the US and Israel, and in solidarity with the Palestinian people, in Sana'a, Yemen, 07 June 2024. Thousands of Houthi supporters participated in a protest in support of the Palestinian people and condemning the US support of Israeli actions in Gaza. The protest came a day after Yemen's Houthis claimed to have launched two joint drone attacks with an Iraqi militia group against ships at Israel's Haifa port, in retaliation for the Israeli military operations in Gaza, vowing to keep up maritime attacks in solidarity with Palestinians, according to a statement by Houthi military spokesman Yahya Sarea. (Protestas) EFE/EPA/YAHYA ARHAB
Tel Aviv (Israel), 08/06/2024.- Released Israeli hostage Andrey Kozlov (C) arrives at Tel Ashomer Hospital in Ramat Gan, near Tel Aviv, Israel, 08 June 2024. Israeli Special Forces successfully rescued Noa Argamani, Andrey Kozlov, Almog Meir Jan, and Shlomi Ziv from Hamas captivity during a rescue operation in Nuseirat, Gaza Strip, the IDF announced 08 June 2024. The hostages have been transferred to the Tel HaShomer Hospital, the IDF said. EFE/EPA/Gidon Markowicz ISRAEL OUT
AME080. SANTIAGO (CHILE), 29/05/2024.- Varias personas participan en una manifestación a favor de Palestina este miércoles en Santiago (Chile). EFE/ Ailen Díaz
Al Nuseirat Camp (-), 14/05/2024.- An UNRWA employee inspects a destroyed United Nations school following an air strike in Al Nuseirat refugee camp, central Gaza Strip, 14 May 2024. At least six people were killed in the strike which hit the UNRWA (United Nationas Relief and Works Agency for Palestinians in the near east) school, according to the Palestinian Civil Defense in Gaza. More than 35,000 Palestinians and over 1,455 Israelis have been killed, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry and the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), since Hamas militants launched an attack against Israel from the Gaza Strip on 07 October 2023, and the Israeli operations in Gaza and the West Bank which followed it. EFE/EPA/MOHAMMED SABER
Gaza (---), 02/05/2024.- Palestinians drive past destroyed buildings in Khan Yunis after the Israeli army withdrew its forces from the southern Gaza Strip, 02 May 2024. More than 34,550 Palestinians and over 1,455 Israelis have been killed, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry and the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), since Hamas militants launched an attack against Israel from the Gaza Strip on 07 October 2023, and the Israeli operations in Gaza and the West Bank which followed it. EFE/EPA/HAITHAM IMAD
UNICEF promueve los derechos y el bienestar de todos los niños, niñas y adolescentes en todo lo que hacen. Foto: Getty Images / ANGELIKA WARMUTH

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