

En Armenia entregan parte de tranquilidad sobre alerta de posible atentado terrorista

Desde la administración municipal aclararon la situación en cuanto a que no es una alerta especial para la ciudad, sin embargo, realizarán un consejo de seguridad

La Policía de Bogotá lanza la estrategia ‘Troya’ para combatir la extorsión

La implementado de la estrategia ‘Troya’ busca controlar los sectores con mayores índices de extorsión en Suba, Santa Fe, Puente Aranda y Kennedy

Tribunal ratifica que sí hubo terrorismo durante estallido social del 2019

En firme condena contra cuatro integrantes de la denominada Primera Línea que tenía nexos con las disidencias de ‘Iván Mordisco’. El objetivo era generar caos, dice el fallo

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Berlin (Germany), 31/12/2023.- Police officers keep watch behind barriers at Sonnenallee street in the district Neukoelln in Berlin, Germany, 31 December 2023. Three pyrotechnics ban zones have been set up in Berlin. The ban applies from New Year's Eve at 6 pm until New Year's Day at 6 am. (Alemania) EFE/EPA/CLEMENS BILAN
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Moscow (Russian Federation), 22/03/2024.- Russian President Vladimir Putin addresses citizens following a terrorist attack at the Crocus City Hall concert venue in Moscow region, Moscow, Russia, 23 March 2024. President Vladimir Putin announced a national day of mourning in Russia on Sunday, 24 March 2024, to commemorate the victims killed in the attack. On 22 March evening, a group of up to five gunmen attacked the Crocus City Hall in the Moscow region, Russian emergency services said. The death toll has reached 115, the Russian Investigative Committee said on 23 March. (Terrorista, Atentado terrorista, Rusia, Moscú) EFE/EPA/PAVEL BYRKIN/SPUTNIK/KREMLIN POOL MANDATORY CREDIT
Krasnogorsk (Russian Federation), 23/03/2024.- A handout still photo taken from handout video made available by the Russian Investigative Committee press-service shows Russian investigators work inside Crocus City Hall concert venue following a terrorist attack in Krasnogorsk, outside Moscow, Russia, 23 March 2024. On 22 March evening, a group of up to five gunmen has attacked the Crocus City Hall in the Moscow region, Russian emergency services told. At least 60 people were killed and more than were 126 injured in the terrorist attack, the Russian intelligence service FSB said. (Terrorista, Atentado terrorista, Rusia, Moscú) EFE/EPA/RUSSIAN INVESTIGATIVE COMMITTEE PRESS-OFFICE / HANDOUT BEST QUALITY AVAILABLE HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES
Krasnogorsk (Russian Federation), 23/03/2024.- Medical staff carry bodies of victims into vehicles at the Crocus City Hall concert venue following a terrorist attack in Krasnogorsk, outside Moscow, Russia, 23 March 2024. On 22 March evening, a group of up to five gunmen attacked the Crocus City Hall in the Moscow region, Russian emergency services said. At least 115 people were killed and more than 100 others were hospitalized, the Investigative Committee confirmed. The head of the Russian FSB, Alexander Bortnikov, reported to Russian President Vladimir Putin on 23 March on the arrest of 11 people, including all four terrorists directly involved in the terrorist attack. (Terrorista, Atentado terrorista, Rusia, Moscú) EFE/EPA/MAXIM SHIPENKOV
Krasnogorsk (Russian Federation), 23/03/2024.- A Russian policeman guards near the burned Crocus City Hall concert venue following a terrorist attack in Krasnogorsk, outside Moscow, Russia, 23 March 2024. On 22 March evening, a group of up to five gunmen attacked the Crocus City Hall in the Moscow region, Russian emergency services said. 93 people were killed and more than 100 others were hospitalized, the Investigative Committee confirmed. The head of the Russian FSB, Alexander Bortnikov, reported to Russian President Vladimir Putin on 23 March on the arrest of 11 people, including all four terrorists directly involved in the terrorist attack. (Terrorista, Atentado terrorista, Rusia, Moscú) EFE/EPA/MAXIM SHIPENKOV
Estos supuestos cabecillas tendrían conexiones con integrantes  del grupo delictivo al mando de Walter Patricio Arizala, alias Guacho, jefe de las disidencias de las Farc en la frontera con Ecuador. Foto: Getty Images
QUI01. QUITO (ECUADOR) 09/01/2024.- Soldados ecuatorianos patrullan por una calle hoy, en Quito (Ecuador). El presidente de Ecuador, Daniel Noboa, decretó desde este lunes el estado de excepción debido a los hechos de violencia en el país lo que permite a las Fuerzas Armadas apoyar a la Policía en labores de seguridad. EFE/ José Jácome
AME8627. QUITO (ECUADOR), 11/01/2024.- Un soldado requisa a un joven hoy, en el sector de Carapungo, en Quito (Ecuador). Ecuador está en medio de un estado de excepción ordenado por el jefe de Estado, quien tras declarar la existencia de un "conflicto armado interno", ordenó a las Fuerzas Armadas ejecutar acciones milites "bajo el derecho internacional humanitario y respetando los derechos humano". EFE/ José Jácome
La ‘traición’ de Lenín Moreno a Rafael Correa estará en un documental. Foto: Colprensa
TEHERÁN (IRÁN), 03/01/2024.- Al menos 103 personas murieron este miércoles y más de 140 resultaron heridas por dos explosiones en el cementerio de la ciudad iraní de Kerman donde se conmemoraba el cuarto aniversario del asesinato del teniente general Qassem Soleimani, informaron fuentes oficiales iraníes. EFE/IRNA -SOLO USO EDITORIAL/SOLO DISPONIBLE PARA ILUSTRAR LA NOTICIA QUE ACOMPAÑA (CRÉDITO OBLIGATORIO) MEJOR CALIDAD DISPONIBLE-
Berlin (Germany), 31/12/2023.- Police officers keep watch behind barriers at Sonnenallee street in the district Neukoelln in Berlin, Germany, 31 December 2023. Three pyrotechnics ban zones have been set up in Berlin. The ban applies from New Year's Eve at 6 pm until New Year's Day at 6 am. (Alemania) EFE/EPA/CLEMENS BILAN

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