
Reino Unido

Los puntos clave de las elecciones en Reino Unido

Los temas relacionados a impuestos, inmigración, energía, salud, medio ambiente y el vínculo con la Unión Europea son los que marcan la discusión previo a las elecciones.

Portavoz laborista de Exteriores descarta negociar la soberanía de las Malvinas con Milei

David Lammy, portavoz de Asuntos Exteriores del Partido Laborista británico, aseguró que un gobierno laborista no negociará con Argentina la soberanía de las islas Malvinas, aunque sí se mostró dispuesto a dialogar sobre otros asuntos bilaterales

Reino Unido: estos son los candidatos de las elecciones legislativas británicas

Aunque son 6 candidatos, solo 3 tendrían verdaderas posibilidades de ganar las elecciones en las que los sondeos dan el triunfo a los laboristas y dejan de lado a los conservadores.

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London (United Kingdom), 21/05/2024.- British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak departs his official residence, 10 Downing Street, to attend the Prime Minister's Questions (PMQs) at the Parliament in London, Britain, 22 May 2024. (Reino Unido, Londres) EFE/EPA/NEIL HALL
London (United Kingdom), 20/05/2024.- A supporter wearing a Guy Fawkes mask holds a placard outside the High Court during WikiLeaks' founder Julian Assange's extradition appeal hearing in London, Britain, 20 May 2024. Julian Assange is facing his final extradition hearing at London's High Court on 20 May. Two judges have said that unless assurances are given by the US he would be able to bring an appeal on three grounds. In April 2024 the US provided assurances to the court that Assange would not face death penalty and could rely on the First Amendment right to free speech, and a follow up hearing will now take place for approximately two hours. Assange is facing 175 years in a US prison if the hearing goes against him. (Reino Unido, Londres) EFE/EPA/NEIL HALL
Berlin (Germany), 20/02/2024.- Pro-Assange sticker on a car infront of Brandenburg Gate as pro-Assange campaigners protest in Berlin, Germany 20 February 2024. Julian Assange is facing his final extradition hearing at the High Court on 20 to 21 February. Assange is facing 175 years in a US prison if the hearing goes against him. (Protestas, Alemania) EFE/EPA/Filip Singer
Mujer escribiendo en un cuaderno mientras sonríe junto al logo de la entidad ICETEX (Fotos vía Getty Images y Colprensa)
London (United Kingdom), 13/11/2023.- British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak looks on at the Lord Mayor's Banquet in London, Britain, 13 November 2023. The Lord Mayor's Banquet is an annual ceremony that marks the change of Lord Mayors of the City of London. The event includes speeches from the British Prime Minister, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Lord Chancellor and the Lord Mayor about major world affairs and the City of London's future. (Obispo, Reino Unido, Londres) EFE/EPA/ISABEL INFANTES

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