
Al menos 15 personas murieron por bombardeo Israelí en Damasco

El ataque se presentó en una zona residencial de la capital siria.

A picture taken during a government guided tour shows smoke rising from buildings in Yarmuk, a Palestinian refugee camp on the edge of Damascus, during regime shelling targeting Islamic State (IS) group positions in the  southern district of the capital on April 24, 2018. - In 2015, IS overran most of Yarmuk, and the small numbers of other rebels and jihadists, including from Al-Qaeda's former affiliate, that had a presence there agreed to withdraw just a few weeks ago. (Photo by Maher AL MOUNES / AFP)        (Photo credit should read MAHER AL MOUNES/AFP via Getty Images)

A picture taken during a government guided tour shows smoke rising from buildings in Yarmuk, a Palestinian refugee camp on the edge of Damascus, during regime shelling targeting Islamic State (IS) group positions in the southern district of the capital on April 24, 2018. - In 2015, IS overran most of Yarmuk, and the small numbers of other rebels and jihadists, including from Al-Qaeda's former affiliate, that had a presence there agreed to withdraw just a few weeks ago. (Photo by Maher AL MOUNES / AFP) (Photo credit should read MAHER AL MOUNES/AFP via Getty Images) / MAHER AL MOUNES


El Observatorio Sirio de Derechos Humanos indicó que el bombardeo afectó una zona residencial de Damasco, capital de Siria, e impactó cerca de un centro cultural iraní dejando a 15 personas muertas y varios heridos.

Por su parte, la agencia estatal de noticias SANA informó de “muertos y heridos” sin precisar el número e informó que varios edificios residenciales resultaron con graves daños.

Desde el inicio de la guerra en Siria, en 2011, Israel ha lanzado varios bombardeos aéreos contra el país vecino, dirigidos en especial contra puestos del ejército sirio, las fuerzas iraníes y del Hezbolá libanés, aliados del régimen sirio.

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