

Netflix lanzará documental sobre Michelle Obama

Netflix lanzará documental sobre Michelle Obama

Netflix lanzará documental sobre Michelle Obama(Gettyimages)

El documental que retrata la vida de Michelle Obama durante la gira que realizó por varias ciudades para presentar sus memorias, llegará a Netflix.

Se trata de ‘Becoming’, una producción de Nadia Hallgren, la cineasta que debutará como directora en este gran proyecto y que acompañó a la ex primera dama en su recorrido por las 34 ciudades.

Por medio de redes sociales, Michelle Obama expresó que este film cuenta las “historias sobre la gente increíble que conocí después del lanzamiento de mis memorias”.

“Esos meses que pasé viajando, reuniéndome y conectándome con personas en ciudades de todo el mundo, llevaron a casa la idea de que lo que compartimos en común es profundo y real y no se puede confundir”, añadió.

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I’m excited to let you know that on May 6, @Netflix will release BECOMING, a documentary film directed by Nadia Hallgren that looks at my life and the experiences I had while touring following the release of my memoir. Those months I spent traveling—meeting and connecting with people in cities across the globe—drove home the idea that what we share in common is deep and real and can’t be messed with. In groups large and small, young and old, unique and united, we came together and shared stories, filling those spaces with our joys, worries, and dreams. We processed the past and imagined a better future. In talking about the idea of ‘becoming,’ many of us dared to say our hopes out loud. I treasure the memories and that sense of connection now more than ever, as we struggle together to weather this pandemic, as we care for our loved ones, and cope with loss, confusion, and uncertainty. It’s hard these days to feel grounded or hopeful, but I hope that like me, you’ll find joy and a bit of respite in what Nadia has made. Because she’s a rare talent, someone whose intelligence and compassion for others comes through in every frame she shoots. Most importantly, she understands the meaning of community, the power of community, and her work is magically able to depict it. As many of you know, I’m a hugger. My whole life, I’ve seen it as the most natural and equalizing gesture one human can make toward another—the easiest way of saying, “I’m here for you.” And this is one of the toughest parts of our new reality: Things that once felt simple—going to see a friend, sitting with someone who is hurting, embracing someone new—are now not simple at all. But I’m here for you. And I know you are here for one another. Even as we can no longer safely gather we need to stay open and able to put ourselves in other people’s shoes. Empathy is our lifeline here. Let’s use it to redirect our attention toward what matters most, and find ways to better remake the world in the image of our hopes. Even in hard times, our stories help cement our values and strengthen our connections. Sharing them shows us the way forward. I love and miss you all. #IAmBecoming

Una publicación compartida por Michelle Obama (@michelleobama) el

Obama, expresó su emoción por este documental y espera que sea una inspiración para este duro momento que atraviesa la humanidad.

La producción se estrenará el próximo 6 de mayo, por la plataforma de streaming.

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